Friday 27 May 2016

Prostate cancer its symptoms and causes

Cancer of the prostate gland is known as prostate cancer. It has been one of the leading causes of death in major developed countries. There are two type of prostate growths, benign and malignant growth. The former is not threat to life and can be treated without any major issue. It also does not spread to other parts of the body. And chances of its relapse are rare. The malignant growth on the other hand, spreads to other parts of the body; it can damage the nearby tissue such as bladder and rectum. It can also be removed by surgery but it can hit back menacingly.

The prostate cancer cells can break away from the prostate tumor and travel to other parts through blood supply. There cancer cells attach themselves to other tissue to grow new tumor and damage the tissues. When prostate cancer cell travel to other parts of the body, they are treated as prostate cancer, not the cancer of the body infected by the prostate cancer. For example, if prostate cancer cells affect the bone cells, the bone cancer will be treated as part of the prostate cancer not as bone cancer.

Symptoms – Initially, the prostate cancer may not show any symptoms. When it shows some symptoms, it may be benign prostate growth symptoms. That is why it is very essential to consult the urologist, Urology consultant in Delhi when there are some problems in the urinary tract.  These symptoms may include:

Slight pain in the lower pelvic area , increase in frequency of urine, some blood in urine and semen .lack of  appetite, loss of weight , painful ejaculation and pain in lower back and hips area .

Causes – Urologists for Laser Prostate Surgery do not know the exact cause of the prostate cancer but there are certain factors that can contribute to the formation of cancer. These risk factors can as follows

The risk of prostate cancer grows with age. The men under 40 -45 age bracket do not have chances of cancer. But after that the chances increase with combination of certain other factors.

Family history of the patient also plays a unique role. The people whose close relatives have had the history of Urology doctor in Delhi ncr prostate cancer have higher risk of getting the prostate cancer than person without any family history. Heavy smoker are at double risk of getting the prostate cancer than non smokers. Smoking along with intake of more calories, refined sugar, and fat puts man in risk zone of prostate cancer.

Intake of vegetables, fruits, exercises regime and keeping oneself fit will reduce the risk of prostate cancer. 

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