Tuesday 31 May 2016

Types of kidney stone and treatment methods

Formation of the kidney stone is the common problem in the urinary tract. However, it causes severe pain during urination. The small stone can pass out through the urine but bit bigger stone do not come from urinary tract

Types of kidney stone

Kidney stones are the hard mass of crystals that get separated from urine in the urinary tract. Normally, urine has chemical that prevent the formation of stone but this chemical does not seem to work for some people. The problem occurs when the stone are too big to pass through urine tract automatically.

Most of the stone contain combination of chemicals in various forms. Generally, the kidney stone contains calcium with combination of either phosphate or oxalate. The less common stone is caused by the infection in the urinary tract. This stone can be called infection stone or struvite stone.  Then there are urine acid stone and cystine stone. Formation of kidney stones is not linked to any particular diet or living habit. It is generally believed that lack of adequate water can trigger the formation of kidney stone. People with history of kidney stone in family are more susceptical to kidney stone than person with no such history.

Treatments methods

Generally for smaller kidney stones the medication is preferred and it removes the smaller stones by passing them through urinary tract. The physician also gives painkillers to help a patient to endure the severe pain associated with the passing of kidney stones through urinary tract.

Large stones are treated with surgery. There are different types of surgeries. Again, the type of surgery chosen Urology consultant in Delhi  by the urologist depends on the size of the stone and place where it may have stuck.

The shock wave treatment is given for comparatively smaller stones, which are disintegrated into smaller stones. These smaller parts are later passed through urinary tract. This surgery involves use of waves outside the body. The incision is not done to perform the surgery. If one session is not able to get hundred percent then another session is also arranged.

In ureterorenoscopy is Kidney Stone specialist doctor in Delhi  done to remove the stone stuck in the ureter. In this surgery, the thin tube is passed through urethra to the ureter where stone gets stuck. The surgeon then removes the stone by other method or passes laser to break the stone into smaller parts for easy passage from urine.

In percutaneous nephrolithotomy surgery, the nephroscope is inserted into the kidney to remove or break the stone for passing through urine.

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