Tuesday 31 May 2016

Types of kidney stone and treatment methods

Formation of the kidney stone is the common problem in the urinary tract. However, it causes severe pain during urination. The small stone can pass out through the urine but bit bigger stone do not come from urinary tract

Types of kidney stone

Kidney stones are the hard mass of crystals that get separated from urine in the urinary tract. Normally, urine has chemical that prevent the formation of stone but this chemical does not seem to work for some people. The problem occurs when the stone are too big to pass through urine tract automatically.

Most of the stone contain combination of chemicals in various forms. Generally, the kidney stone contains calcium with combination of either phosphate or oxalate. The less common stone is caused by the infection in the urinary tract. This stone can be called infection stone or struvite stone.  Then there are urine acid stone and cystine stone. Formation of kidney stones is not linked to any particular diet or living habit. It is generally believed that lack of adequate water can trigger the formation of kidney stone. People with history of kidney stone in family are more susceptical to kidney stone than person with no such history.

Treatments methods

Generally for smaller kidney stones the medication is preferred and it removes the smaller stones by passing them through urinary tract. The physician also gives painkillers to help a patient to endure the severe pain associated with the passing of kidney stones through urinary tract.

Large stones are treated with surgery. There are different types of surgeries. Again, the type of surgery chosen Urology consultant in Delhi  by the urologist depends on the size of the stone and place where it may have stuck.

The shock wave treatment is given for comparatively smaller stones, which are disintegrated into smaller stones. These smaller parts are later passed through urinary tract. This surgery involves use of waves outside the body. The incision is not done to perform the surgery. If one session is not able to get hundred percent then another session is also arranged.

In ureterorenoscopy is Kidney Stone specialist doctor in Delhi  done to remove the stone stuck in the ureter. In this surgery, the thin tube is passed through urethra to the ureter where stone gets stuck. The surgeon then removes the stone by other method or passes laser to break the stone into smaller parts for easy passage from urine.

In percutaneous nephrolithotomy surgery, the nephroscope is inserted into the kidney to remove or break the stone for passing through urine.

Friday 27 May 2016

Prostate cancer its symptoms and causes

Cancer of the prostate gland is known as prostate cancer. It has been one of the leading causes of death in major developed countries. There are two type of prostate growths, benign and malignant growth. The former is not threat to life and can be treated without any major issue. It also does not spread to other parts of the body. And chances of its relapse are rare. The malignant growth on the other hand, spreads to other parts of the body; it can damage the nearby tissue such as bladder and rectum. It can also be removed by surgery but it can hit back menacingly.

The prostate cancer cells can break away from the prostate tumor and travel to other parts through blood supply. There cancer cells attach themselves to other tissue to grow new tumor and damage the tissues. When prostate cancer cell travel to other parts of the body, they are treated as prostate cancer, not the cancer of the body infected by the prostate cancer. For example, if prostate cancer cells affect the bone cells, the bone cancer will be treated as part of the prostate cancer not as bone cancer.

Symptoms – Initially, the prostate cancer may not show any symptoms. When it shows some symptoms, it may be benign prostate growth symptoms. That is why it is very essential to consult the urologist, Urology consultant in Delhi when there are some problems in the urinary tract.  These symptoms may include:

Slight pain in the lower pelvic area , increase in frequency of urine, some blood in urine and semen .lack of  appetite, loss of weight , painful ejaculation and pain in lower back and hips area .

Causes – Urologists for Laser Prostate Surgery do not know the exact cause of the prostate cancer but there are certain factors that can contribute to the formation of cancer. These risk factors can as follows

The risk of prostate cancer grows with age. The men under 40 -45 age bracket do not have chances of cancer. But after that the chances increase with combination of certain other factors.

Family history of the patient also plays a unique role. The people whose close relatives have had the history of Urology doctor in Delhi ncr prostate cancer have higher risk of getting the prostate cancer than person without any family history. Heavy smoker are at double risk of getting the prostate cancer than non smokers. Smoking along with intake of more calories, refined sugar, and fat puts man in risk zone of prostate cancer.

Intake of vegetables, fruits, exercises regime and keeping oneself fit will reduce the risk of prostate cancer. 

What Are Some Of The Urologic Diseases and Their Treatment?

Acquired or congenital dysfunction of the urinary system is associated with different types of Urologic disease. Nephrologists investigate and treat kidney stones and other urologic diseases.  Urologic diseases associated with organ other than kidney can be treated and managed by doctors with specialization in the field of urology. Problems of incontinence in women are systematically treated and investigated by Gynecologists.

Urologic disease can be classified into kidney disease and non-renal urinary tract disease. Functional impairment of the kidney is term as rental failure and can be diagnosed and treated by a team of urologists.

Kidney Diseases or Rental Failures

Rental failure can be classified into chronic and acute. In addition to this, the rental failure can be furthered classified into pre-renal, post rental and intrinsic rental diseases.

Impairment of supply of blood to the functional part of kidney that is functional nephrons is termed as Pre-renal failure. The functional nephrons affected by the rental failure are renal artery stenosis. Drug toxicity and nephritis are classic intrinsic renal diseases of kidney.

Kidney stone, prostatic bladder outlet obstruction are considered to be some of the Post renal failure. Lifestyle modification can be effective in treatment of both pre and post rental failure or complications in some cases. In other cases, the pre or post rental failure can be cured through different kinds of medications. Dietary modification can be effective in management of different types of rental failures.

In some cases, the only treatment or management of the renal failure is dialysis. Metastatic cancers and Primary renal cell carcinomas can affect the kidney.

Kidney Stone Specialist Doctor in Delhi can prescribe different types of lifestyle and dietary modification and even surgery for the purpose of treating different types of kidney stones. Medications can be prescribed by the kidney stone specialist doctors based on the conditions and grade of kidney stone in the patients.

Non-Renal Urinary Tract Disease

Urinary tract infections, benign prostatic hyperplasia and Urinary retention are some of the common types of non rental urinary track diseases.  Other non rental urinary track diseases are involuntary loss of urine, inflammation of the prostate and tethered spinal cord syndrome.

Enlarged prostate can be treated through systematically executed lasik aided surgical procedures. First among the best Urologist for Laser Prostate Surgery should be consulted for effective treatment of enlarged prostate without any adverse side effects.

The causes of the Non-renal urinary tract disease in the body are common to the urinary tract. Hemorrhage can be caused due to structural and traumatic changes. In addition to this, functional blockage or inflammation can be the cause of non-renal urinary tract diseases.

Colonization by bacteria and other microorganism can cause the non-renal urinary tract diseases in many female. Neoplasia can be caused due to uncontrolled cell growth. 

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Surgeries for kidney stone and enlarged prostate

Kidney stone surgery is performed when the stone has failed to pass ever after medications and is causing severe pain. The surgery is also recommended when the stone is too large to pass through urine tract or is stuck at a difficult place. The other condition, where kidney surgery is done is when stone is blocking the urine flow and causing infection in the urine tract.

Kidney stone removal surgeries --

Kidney stone removal surgeries can be performed on outpatient bases. In many surgerical procedures, the cut is not done and kidney stone is broken into smaller pieces by the use of ultrasound waves. In shock wave treatment, the shock waves reach the stone to break it into smaller pieces and these pieces then come out through urine tract. 

When the stone is large and its location is such that shock wave can be ineffective then Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy surgery is done. Here, the cut is made from the back of the patient to reach the kidney. The surgeon then destroys the stone by use of an instrument called nephroscope. The ultrasound is also used for large stone to break them into smaller parts.

In urethrascopic removal, the surgeon passes an instrument called urethra scope to ureter from bladder and urethra.  The surgeon Kidney stone specialist doctor in Delhi can remove the stone by a cage like device or by shattering the stone into smaller particles.  This surgery is not used now, because of possible damage to ureter.

Prostate laser surgery –

Laser is used to evaporate or shrink the enlarged part of the prostate to relieve the pressure of urethra. The urethra is surrounded by the prostate so when prostate gets enlarged it squeezes urethra and disturbs the flow of urine.

The laser is passed through a scope which is inserted through the tip of the penis .This scope reaches the tube of urine from bladder. The energy created by the laser destroys or removes the extra prostate tissue. The different ways by which a laser destroys the prostate tissues gives birth to different laser surgeries. The different kind of laser is used in some surgeries to remove or evaporate the prostate tissue. The main function of the laser is all laser based prostate surgery is to either Urologist for Laser Prostate Surgery cut or evaporates the enlarged part of the prostate. The use of laser depends on the health of the patient, the facilities available in the hospital and experience of the doctor in use of such laser for surgery. 

Saturday 21 May 2016

Types of laser prostate surgeries and their benefits

The use of laser in prostate surgery reduces the enlarged prostate symptoms such as urinary tract infection from moderate to severe levels. This enlargement of prostate is known as benign prostate hyperplasia.

In laser prostate surgery, the surgeon inserts a scope to the tube that carries urine from the urethra. This scope is inserted through the tip of the penis. The laser is passed through this scope. The job of the laser is to shrink or remove the excess prostate surrounding the urethra. The enlargement of prostate blocks the urethra and prevents free flow of urine. The laser either melts the excess prostate or cut the excess part of the prostate.

Type of laser prostate surgeries –
Vaporization of the prostate – In this type of surgery, the laser is used to vaporize the excess part of the prostate tissue. The melting of the excess part enlarges the urinary channel for free flow of urine.

Laser ablation of the prostate –This surgery also uses laser to vaporize the enlarged tissue of the prostate but the use of laser is different .This type of surgery is also known as holmium laser ablation surgery for prostate enlargement.

Holmium laser enucleation of prostate-- The   laser is used to cut the enlarged part of the prostate tissue for removal. In this surgery, another instrument is used to cut the prostate tissue into smaller parts for easy removal. The additional cutting instrument is known as morcellator.

The selection of Best urology doctor in Delhi ncr any one of these surgeries depends on the size of the enlarged prostate tissue, the health of the patient on whom the surgery is to be performed and the facilities available in the hospital.

Benefits of laser prostate surgery –

The chance of bleeding is very low in laser used surgeries. That makes laser surgery an option for patient with blood clotting problems or for patients who take medicines to thin the blood .The recovery period of laser Urologist for Laser Prostate Surgery prostate surgery is very short compared to other non laser surgeries. The surgery is performed on outpatient bases and does not require longer stay in hospital. The need for catheter is required only for less than 24 hours. This device is used to drain urine from bladder. In non laser prostate surgeries, the use of catheter can go for days. The improvement in urine flow can be noticed immediately in the laser prostate surgery.

Thursday 19 May 2016

Types of kidney stones and their treatment

Kidney stone are mass of crystals. They generally develop in the kidney but can go to the urinary tract and causes severe pain. The stone can develop anywhere in the entire length of the urinary tract. The causes of the kidney stones vary depending on the type of the kidney stone. But the main cause found in the formation of all types of stones is lack of enough water intake and increase of acid in the urine

Type of kidney stone –

Calcium stones are very common kidney stones. They are generally made of calcium, oxalate, maleate and phosphate. Eating high oxalate food such as peanuts, chips, chocolates, spinach and potato can cause formation of this type of stone.

Uric acid stone usually develops in men than in women. The basic reason for development of this type of stone is urine getting acidic. People taking diet rich in purines are vulnerable to the urine acid stone, because this diet increases the level of acid in the urine. Purine is a substance found in animal meat and fish.

Struvite type of stone generally happens in the women than in men. The cause is urinary tract infection. The stone can be large to cause obstruction to the passage of urine. Besides, urinary infection, the kidney infection can also cause the stone formation. The infection has to be treated to cure the underlying cause of the stone formation of this nature.

Cystine type of stone can occur in both men and women. The underlying causes can be the genetic disorder known as cystinuria.  With this stone, the acid, cystine, this occurs in the body, leaks from the kidney to the urine.   

Treatment –
Treatment of kidney Urology consultant in Delhi stone is based on the type of stone and its causes. For small stone, medicine is recommended. This makes the stone pass through urine tract. For large stone, shock wave therapy is given. In this therapy, a laser is allowed to pass through body and strike the stone and break them into smaller pieces. These smaller pieces can pass through urine. Drinking enough liquid with the all types of stone is first recommending step. The increase in fluid intake increases the flow of urine. The increase in flow of urine, take stone pieces with it.

Tunnel surgery Urology doctor in Delhi ncr is done when the stone is large and cannot pass through urine.  The surgery is also done when stone is damaging the kidney and obstructing the flow of urine.

Friday 13 May 2016

Causes, Symptoms and treatment of kidney stone

Kidney stone problems are one of the common medical problems. Formation of the kidney stone starts when stone formation substances increase in the urine. It is the combination of calcium with either phosphate or oxalate that causes the kidney stone. The majority of stone are calcium stones but other chemicals can also causes, they are urine acid, magnesium, amino acid cysteine etc.

Decrease in volume of urine and increase in calcium substance occurs when intake of water or other liquid decreases. Failure to replace lost fluid through strenuous exercises also increases the risk of kidney stone. Other cause can be the blockage of urine and dehydration caused by hot climate. The people living in hot and humid climates are vulnerable to kidney stone formations due to excess perspiration and failure to take adequate fluid.

Infection in the urine tract and some metabolic disorders can also lead to kidney stone. The inherited disorder in metabolism changes the composition of the urine, which increase the chances of stone formation.

Gout, hypercalciuria, which increase amount of urine and calcium respectively in the urine also leads the formation of stone. Certain medication and dietary habits of an individual, like taking high calcium diet or processed food, excess animal protein, supplements and vitamin D can lead of formation of stone in urine. Diseases of kidney like renal tubular acidosis can create conditions leading to the formation of kidney stones

Symptoms of the kidney stone –

People having Kidney stone specialist doctor in Delhi ncr kidney stone face sudden pain in lower back, side or groin and abdomen.  The back pain and abdomen pain increases and decreases in severity. The pain occurs during urination and sometimes may come with vomiting and nausea. Some kidney stone can cause blood in urine. Chills and fever often happens when stone is due to some infection in the urine tract. Difficulty in urine, pain in private parts, urine urgency and testicular pain are other symptoms associated with kidney stone.

Treatment –

Persons suffering pain are X- rayed to get the clear view of the stone, its size and location. This information is vital to know the possible treatment methods. Generally small stone can passed through the urine by taking excess water of other fluid. If stone is too big to pass, the doctors used laser Urology doctor in Delhi or shock wave to dissolve the stone and then smaller pieces are passed through the urinary tract. The bigger stone are broken into smaller stone by other treatment, in which a microscope is passed to the stone, through urethra and bladder up to ureter.  The use of laser is enough to cure most of kidney stones. Only few bigger stone require surgery. Home remedies are generally effective for small stones. For any pain during urination, the person should contact the urologist for effective treatment. The leading hospitals often have laser treatment facilities and experienced urologist   .

Saturday 7 May 2016

Types of laser prostate surgeries and their advantages

Prostate laser surgery is used to get relief from moderate to severe urology problems caused by an enlarged prostate. In this surgery, the surgeon inserts a scope through the tip of the penis. This scope is inserted into the tube that carries urine from the bladder. The scope is used to pass the laser. The laser passes energy which reduces or shrinks the prostate that is blocking or causing difficulty in passage of urine. The intense heat generated by the laser does the job of removing tissue surrounding urethra.

The prostate laser surgeries are of different types. Their difference depends on the use of laser for melting or reducing prostate tissues. In photo selective laser surgery, the use of laser is done to melt away the enlarged prostate tissue. This melting improves the urinary channel function of passing the urine.  In other surgery called, holmium laser ablation, different type of laser is used to melt the excessive tissue of prostate.  In other surgery, the job of the laser is to cut the enlarged tissue of prostate. Then an instrument known as, morcellator is used to make smaller pieces of the prostate tissue for easy removal.

The selection of any one of the laser surgery will depend on the size of the enlarged prostate tissue and health of the patient. It would also depend to great extent on the facilities available in the hospital and the experience and training of the urologist.

Laser surgery has Urologist for Laser Prostate Surgery many advantages over other procedures used in treatment of prostate enlargement. The first is low bleeding issues with laser surgery. The laser surgery does not involve any cut, which reduces the risk of bleeding completely. This is the best surgery option for those who take medication to thin the blood or have complication of blood not forming clot to stop bleeding.

The patient does not have to stay in the hospital for longer durations. Laser surgery is done on outpatient basis. Other surgeries may require stay of several days in hospital.  The recovery time is also very short compare to other non laser surgeries. The need for catheter is only for less than 24 hours. This device is needed to drain the urine from bladder after surgery. In other non laser surgeries, it may require to keep catheter for several days. The improvement in urine flow can be very fast in the laser surgery Urology consultant in Delhi treatment of prostate tissue. The improvement with medications may take months.

However, there may be some temporally risks.  For urination, the catheter may be kept for easy discharge of urine. Some kind of infection may come in the urine track, but these can be cured with medication. The risk of erection problem of penis is less in laser surgery than in other surgeries. And the chances of retro ejaculation may occur, that is the semen going back to bladder rather than going out from penis, but it has no impact on the sexual pleasure.