Wednesday 27 January 2016

Cryotherapy Procedure for Prostate Cancer

Cryotherapy procedure requires only one day stay in a hospital. The procedure may vary depending on the health of the patient and facilities or expertise in the hospital concern. At the beginning of the procedure, a patient has to empty the bladder of any urine. An intravenous is put in hand or in arm of the patient .Then a doctor decides, whether local anesthesia will be suitable or general anesthesia can be provided. In case of a general anesthesia, a patient is put on ventilator. The heart rate, blood pressure level, blood oxygen levels and breathing of a patient is constantly monitored during the procedure. A soft flexible catheter is put into bladder to drain urine .This catheter is also used to protect the urethra from cold temperature during procedure by moving warm saline through it. At advanced medical faculties, during the procedure, the prostate and nearby tissues can be seen on computer with the help of transrectal ultrasound. Then cryoprobes needles are put into some selected areas between the scrotum and anus. The gas put into these needles freezes the prostate tissue and nearby areas. The frozen area is kept in the same conditions for few minutes and then again it is warmed by putting helium gas through needles. During this phase, a doctor keeps watch on the images to make sure that cancer is being treated. This process of freezing and warming the prostate tissue can be repeated. At the end of the procedures, the needles and transrectal ultrasound are removed but the catheter is left in the bladder. The ventilator is also removed to allow patient to breathe on his own. .

In many hospitals the heart rate, oxygen level, blood pressure level and breathing rate of a patient are monitored continuously after the cyrotherpay.  Some medicine to reduce pain may be prescribed. To remove the risk of   any kind of infection, antibiotics are provided to the patient. At the place of needles insertions, there may be some swelling or bruising, but it will go after some days. Patient may also feel some pain in scrotum area and pain in abdomen and burning sensation during urine passing. This burning sensation urges a patient to go for urination often. The catheter is kept for few days to help urination and give proper time to prostate gland to heal.

In case of any symptom including pain or difficulty  in urination or the need for frequent urination at night, a person has to consult a Urology Doctor in Delhi NCR to know the exact cause behind the pain or burning sensation. The kind of treatment and therapy depends on the stage of prostate cancer and how far it has spread in the body of the patient. The Urologist for Laser Prostate Surgery will decide after testing the samples from the prostate tissue, on the proper therapy for the treatment of prostate tissue.

Prostate Cancer and its Symptoms

Formation of cancer cells in the tissue of prostate is called prostate cancer. The formation of this type of cancer happens over a long period of time, which can range from 10 to 30 years, before a tumor is big enough to show any symptoms. There is possibility that, by the time a patient comes to know about the symptoms, the cancer cell may have spread throughout the body. And in that case, the prostate cancer may be in advanced stage. The prostate cancer can remain within a person, without causing any symptoms. But when it emerges, it may include symptoms like trouble in passing urine, the need to pass urine at night, interrupted or weak urine, burning sensation in passing urine, blood in the urine or semen. Pain in back, hips and pelvis and painful ejaculation. Prostate cancer can spread to lymph nodes of the body. It tends to spread to bones, so the pain in bone in back is also one of the symptoms.

There are some risk factors that can increase or raise your chances of having prostate cancer. The risk factor itself may not cause the prostate cancer, but their presence shows that the possibility of prostate cancer may remain. Persons with 50 years of age are susceptible to prostate cancer. So are the persons with a family history of prostate cancer. A person with three immediate family members having prostate cancer is at greater risk than a person with no family history of prostate cancer. The risk of prostate cancer is a bit higher for men whose sister or mother had or has breast cancer issues. Also, the consumption of high fat diets with less fruits and vegetables increases the chances of prostate cancer.

In case of emergence of any of the symptoms, a person should consult a Best Urology Doctor in Delhi NCR. The doctor will suggest the prostate biopsy, if result of the test is positive. In the prostate biopsy, samples are taken from several parts of the prostate gland, to ensure no area, with cancer cells, is missed. Then the samples are checked for cancer cells and a Gleason score is given. The lower score on the Gleason means that the spread of the prostate cancer is not much and it is not aggressive. The treatment options should be discussed with Urology Consultant in Delhi. The treatment of prostate cancer will depend on the stage of the cancer and age of patient and general health. An urologist will also decide if a patient needs a repeat biopsy. This test called PSA is for person with high PSA values. In this test a form of PSA is looked in the blood. This Free PSA is not linked to cancer, it is linked to BPH. The free PSA shows the type of prostate cancer a patient may have.

Monday 25 January 2016

Types of Prostate Surgeries and Need for Prostate Surgery

In laser prostate surgery, a concentrated light is used to generate intense and precise heat. This heat is then directed at the point of surgery. The laser use removes the excess prostate tissues by melting or cutting the excess prostate tissue.

A laser surgery can be divided into following types –

In Photo selective vaporization of prostate tissue surgery, the laser is used to melt or vaporize the surplus part of the prostate tissue. After this surgery the urinary channel gets enlarged. In another surgery known as Holmium laser ablation of the prostate, which is like photo selective surgery, but here another type of laser is used to melt the extra prostate tissue.

In Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP) surgery method, a laser is used to cut and remove the excess prostate tissue, blocking the urethra. Then, the prostate tissue is cut into smaller pieces by an instrument called morcellator. These smaller tissues are then easily removed. The type of prostate surgery, which will be selected, will depend on several factors including the age of patient, size of prostate, health of the patient and laser surgery available with the hospital.

Need for prostate surgery –

Prostate surgery is performed to reduce the urinary symptoms caused by BPH. These symptoms are – urgent and frequent need to urinate, difficulty in urination, slow urination, increase in frequency of urination at night, irregular urination, inability to completely empty the bladder and some infection in urinary track. With the help of laser surgery, the complications, which occur, due to blocked urine flow, are also removed. These complications range from kidney bladder damage to recurring urinary tract infection, and inability to control urination. In addition to these, the bladder stones and blood is urine is also treated with the laser prostate surgery.

Laser prostate surgery has several methods over the other methods. With lasers the surgery is done with low bleeding risk. This is helpful to the patient, who takes medication to thin the blood. For patients with bleeding disorder, the use of laser prostate surgery will be the only option available. Because the bleeding disorder will not allow cutting of the surgery area in normal way .Another benefit is that, laser surgery takes only few hours and patient just has to stay in hospital for few hours or less than 24 hours. The recovery from laser surgery is also quick compare to other methods. After consulting urology doctor in Delhi NCR a patient will come to know the need for catheter , which is used to drain the urine from bladder after surgery .catheter is used often in enlarged prostates ,so the consolations with urologist for laser prostate surgery is important in this regard .  Unlike other methods, which involve use of medications, the results from laser prostate surgery are effective and quick.

Friday 22 January 2016

Urine Incontinence, Its Types and Treatment

Urine incontinence is a common problem in older people. It is the involuntary leakage of urine. Some old people are too embarrassed to seek its treatment. Other feels that it is associated with old age, and they do not have any effective treatment to cure it.  Urologists are of the opinion that incontinence may not be problem in itself; it may lead to other problems, such as skin rashes, and emotional problems. Emotional problem arise due to withdraw symptoms of the patient.  Where a patient avoids people and lives a lonely life.

Types of urine incontinence –

Urge Incontinence –This is intense and abrupt urge to urinate that cannot be controlled. People suffering from this type of urine incontinence do not get time to reach the toilet for discharge of urine. This problem affects a patient day and night. The combination of intense need for urination day and night, which is totally uncontrollable, is referred to as an overactive bladder.

Stress Incontinence –This involves uncontrollable loss of small amount of urine during sneezing, coughing, straining or lifting heavy objects.  This is seen more in older women than in men. Any condition that weakens the resistance of urethra can lead to stress incontinence.

Overflow Incontinence –This is uncontrollable leakage of urine in small amounts. It is caused by some kind of blockage or weak contractions of the bladder muscle.  When urine is retained in the bladder, bladder gets enlarged and this pressure in bladder continues until small drops of urine come out without any control on its flow. The constant pressure in bladder can damage the kidneys

Functional Incontinence – This is the loss of urine when a patient cannot get to the toilet.  This can happen in case of stroke or severe case of arthritis. The mental conditions such as dementia can also lead to functional incontinence. Sometimes the inability of a person to go to toilet may be due to depression.

All types of urine incontinence can be controlled with service of the urologist or cured by the some simple steps .But before treatment, a person must get consultations. Urology Consultant in Delhi   will be in best position to suggest further action.

Treatment of Urine Incontinence —

This is the problem which a Urology Doctor in Delhi NCR can cure with some simple steps and making with a patient to change behavior. A patient learns to understand the function of bladder and water or fluid intake. Urologist also gives suggestions to avoid caffeinated beverages or reduce its intake. Some drugs which reduce sneezing of the bladder are disallowed. If a patient is taking diuretics, then the timing of the dose is adjusted in such a manner that the effect of the drug takes place only when the patient is close to toilet. Patients are also advised to urinate regularly throughout the day. Positives results have come with combination of all above mentioned steps. 

Thursday 21 January 2016

Treatment For kidney Stone in Delhi and Its Prevention

Best Urology Doctor in Delhi NCR

Treatment for kidney stone depends on the size of the stone. Small stone can be removed from kidney by just drinking lot of fluid –water or beer with the permission of doctor, If patients is facing some pain during passing of small stone, some medicine such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others), naproxen sodium (Aleve) or Acetaminophen can be taken after consulting a doctor. In case the stone is not coming without pain, the a doctor can give some medicine like alpha blocker, which relaxes the muscles in ureter thus, helping a patient to pass the kidney stone with ease and less pain .

For big stones ,which are not coming on their own and are causing bleeding or urinary infections , surgeries are recommended , and they are –

Sound waves therapy – In this therapy stone is broken into small pieces by shock waves. These small pieces are small enough to pass through normal urine tract. The entire process may take up to one hour and can cause some pain. That is why a patient is given little anesthesia during the therapy.

Surgery for very large stone –This surgery involves incision through back and stone is removed with the help of a small telescope and instruments when they are put in the body of the patient through back. Patient is given anesthesia and it takes couple of days of hospitalization,

Surgery using scope – In this surgery a thin light equipped with a camera is inserted into ureter through urethra and bladder to break the stone into smaller pieces. These smaller pieces then take the normal urine route to move out of body of the patient. In case of swelling, a small tube is placed in the ureter to relieve the swelling and associated pain. Use of anesthesia may be general and local depending on the consultation of the doctor.

Best Urology Doctor in Delhi NCR

Surgery of parathyroid gland –This surgery is done to remove the calcium stones, formed due to the overactive parathyroid glands .when parathyroid glands produce too much hormone, the level of calcium increase in the body can leads to formation of kidney stone.
Frequent kidney stone problem can lead to infection of the urinary track. Patients with history of kidney stone must consult a Best Urology Doctor in Delhi NCR to pre-empt any formation or spread of infection in urinary track.

Steps, which can prevent kidney stone formation -

Simple care can be taken to prevent the formation of kidney stone. Taking these steps do not require service of any kidneystone specialist doctor in Delhi
Drinking lot of water throughout the day, at least 8 to 10 glasses, ensure that a person is passing urine frequently. At the same time, diet with oxalates, must be avoided. Oxalates diet include, beets, okra, Swiss chard, nuts, tea, spinach, chocolate and soy products.